Old Friend

Photo by: Freeman Joshua Photography
T. Vines (Model)
This week reminds me of a chilly day in February, several years ago when I was on a quest to see a new movie that was premiering. I realized that I needed to get gas but dreaded stopping. That vehicle was killing my pocket. But I loved it because it was something that I attained on my own. Well anyway, back to the point at hand. I stopped at a neighborhood station and proceeded to fill my tank. It was cold and I was shivering on the outside but when I noticed a tall chocolate gentleman to the left of me, my heart filled with flames. I remember wanting to say something like "Is it cold enough for you?" but chickened out. Besides, I thought to myself..."that's a corny ass line, he'll think I'm crazy."

My heart dropped when he got into his vehicle and was about to drive away. I could have kicked myself. Just when I thought my chance had slipped through that chilly wind, he emerged from his vehicle and was rumaging for something in his back seat. He looked over at me and said "Is it cold enough for you?" I thought I was going to lose my mind. I had just told myself that it was a corny ass line, but somehow when he said it, it was like lyrics to the most beautiful song. But surely he wasn't addressing me. Was I dreaming? If it weren't for the wind hitting the back of my neck I would have thought I was. 

It was obvious that he was just coming from work. I think it was the coveralls and boots that gave it away. I can't remember my response but I do remember the beauty of his eyes and the curve of his lips. They were lips that I wanted to embrace with my own, if I had known him. I must have given him some type of response because we exchanged numbers that day. That was the start of something magical in my life. 

Time went on and I learned so much from this beautiful stranger. A stranger that became my lover as well as my friend. Time seperated us for a bit and that time was the lonliest that I have ever felt in my life. I missed his laugh, I missed his quirky sense of humor, I missed the learning lessons that I recieved with each conversation that we had. But life had to go on. Although my friend was away from me for so long, I never stopped thinking about him, hoping and praying that he was ok and that life was treating him well. 

Luckily I don't have to wonder anymore. I am fortunate enough to have contact with this old friend and I'm so happy to have been able to welcome him into my life again. He is doing very well and seems to be happier than I've ever seen him. He is wearing a smile that I hope lasts a lifetime. I don't know where my friend was for those few years, nor do I know what he was doing. It really doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that the warmth and happiness that I felt so long ago has returned to my heart and I'm grateful to have him in my life even if it's just for a moment.


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