A Little Rain

I wish there was some cyberspace place that we could send all the hurt, pain, and frustration so that we won’t have to endure them again. You know, like we do our SPAM or an unwanted email.  Just delete them all and keep only the happy and joy. But that’s not the way God designed it  is it?  I think it was H.G. Wells that said, “Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry but wise.” Take the good with the bad right. A little rain makes us appreciate the sunshine. But still, when my heart is aching and distressed….I can’t help but want to just hit..”DELETE”. 
Grabbing My Balance
  by Ambrea Clark©2012 

I wonder…would giving up be easier 
I get lost in my fantasies and forget my reality
I walk a known path but forget all its importance
I hold hands with a friend but start to think they are a foe
When I close my eyes there's nothing but me
I wish I could just go back to all simplicity
The feeling of giving up
Thoughts of giving in
The desire to throw it all away
Focus on my ambitions to escape from responsibility
Love all those next to me to void the feeling of all those who left me
Mixed emotions of anger and excitement
Depression is embedded in my heart
I have a minor thought of jumping off the cliff
And only half of me is hoping that SOMEONE will catch me
I secretly want to fall 
Just to see if I can get back up, or to see how it is at the bottom
I secretly want to fail 
So that I wont feel this stressful agony
I secretly want to call it quits 
So that no other could rely on me
I secretly want to…jump off the cliff
I admire where I am, but wish I knew where I was going 
Do I have a choice or does it just happen
If I had the choice…I’d choose to lie here
This pain is not what I signed up for
These tears are not what I live for
The stress is not what I wake up for
So why go through it
If we are able to choose our own destiny, 
I choose not to go through this
I have no choice
I feel weak, I feel tempted to quit, I feel broken of all strength
I seek the Zeus in me, and the power to rise above
But yet I feel like I'm on a continuous fall


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