TRUTH is...
I remember one morning a co-worker saying "Good morning, how was your weekend?" I just smiled and said that it was good. I've often wondered how a person would react if we told them how we were truly feeling right then at that very moment. Would they walk away and think that we were crazy, would they lend an listening ear or would they give you comforting words to try and help you feel better. Well that prompted me to look at what MY, and some of my close friends' truths were. Each week I would reflect on various interactions and conversations and write things down. Surprisingly most of what was written seemed quite sad and painful. Then I realized that most of the time the TRUTH is sad and painful for most people. A quote from Miguel Angel Ruiz, a Mexican shaman, teacher, and author says "The truth is like a scalpel, the truth is painful." Even a happy truth can sometimes be a sad one.
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